Friday, June 23, 2006

Introducing Helios

Since I'm still getting started, I figured I should make this introduction. And, its not like I cooked or baked anything in the last hour since I posted. This is Helios, the third member of my little family. Just me, M. and Helios. And a very important one since he lets me borrow his name in for my online public persona. He's very agreeable like that.

Helios doesn't really like having his picture taken - hence the squinty eyed glare. I think this picture was taken right after we moved into our new apartment. I can see I'm going to have to work on taking better pictures if they'll be posted - apologies for the wine bottle closeup! But this is Helios doing one of his favorite things. Sitting on something not meant for him to sit on - in this case a dishtowel meant for drying dishes.

I guess it is the little pleasures in life that matter most....


Anonymous said...

He's too cute! I love the white on his underside.

Unknown said...

Welcome to teh blogging world! I woudl love to help you with formatting questions, but I would also suggest checking out Read through the archives and you will find lots of great tips on developing your blog.
Also, if you and helios are interested, I play with Weekend Cat Blogging hosted over at