Saturday, September 02, 2006

Being a little crafty

There isn't much happening in this Veggie Kitchen today. The weather is beyond gross. It could be a baking kind of day, but I'm feeling too lazy. And, I've been obsessed with a new hobby.

I've decided to learn how to knit. I briefly went through a knitting phase last October, but dropped it pretty quickly because working full-time and attending graduate school full-time really didn't leave much time over. But now that's done, and I think knitting is something I would enjoy. And I admire the crafty people like Crystal and so want to be like that in my own little amateur way. So, I am knitting M. a scarf. Presenting Helios, my favorite feline model and M.'s scarf-to-be.

I started it last night, and got a good 3 + hours in today. And, its almost finished. Of course, its a basic knit stitch, and a chunky enough yarn that there are only 10 stitches per row but hey! It's a start. I'm knitting. I did figure out how to change different colored yarns - that seemed very tricky, although I'm sure its not to the more experienced knitters in the world. So, from time to time knitting projects may pop in among the veggie recipes and baking successes and catastrophes.

I leave you with wishes for better weather then we're having, and another view of Helios and the scarf. He is very impressed by the loose threads. But then, he's a cat. :)


Anonymous said...

You're too sweet...and I love the scarf!

Anonymous said...

Helios is so generous and helpful to pose with your work for you. :)

Unknown said...

Hi..why don't you try cross stitching..It's really fun and lovely too..