Tuesday, August 08, 2006

CSA overdrive - part 2.

Each peach, pear, plum ... I spy Tom Thumb!

This quote is from a children's book that I used to love when my brother was little. I don't think he ever cared for it overly much, but I thought it was the cutest. This week CSA share is lacking in the pear, but otherwise we're doing pretty well!

So here's our weekly roundup from the CSA. I took single pictures where appropriate (like fruit) so as not to have to organize 2 pounds of plums for example. And, I can't promise food photography genius as all this produce is still waiting to be put away and/or used to make dinner. But, here ya go anways...

First up, a lovely bunch of fennel. Not my favorite flavor at all, but since I'm off to Florida tomorrow that will be M.'s problem to deal with. :)

Next, a bunch of scallions.

Followed by yellow beans.

And beautiful baby lettuces.

And, one green pepper and one purple pepper.

And, two roly poly summer squash.

And one lonely and blurry cucumber.

Next up was the fruit. Don't get me wrong, I love fruit. But lugging home 10 pounds (yes, we foolishly bought a double share - although we do seem to eat it all so I guess it wasn't that foolish after all) of fruit is no fun in any shape kind or form. Plus veggies, plus whatever I've picked up in order to make dinner. Today I had 6 shopping bags (consolidated and such but still - 6!).

This week we had three pounds of nectarines...

Three pounds of peaches...

4 pounds of plums (although I'm now thinking I only took 2 - oops!) Its actually quite annoying and painstaking measuring out the fruit. They have big boxes, and small scales. So you have to sit there and add a plum, remove a plum to get to the desired amount. Plus there are about five other people trying to do this simultaneously. And, since we bought a double share, I have to remember to double whatever the sign says (which I apparently didn't do in this case). And did I mention its hot and stuffy? :)

And 2 pounds of apples. Aren't they cute? I included a pepper for a reference as to how cute and tiny these guys are.

So, wish M. luck as he attempts to get through this feast of produce. I'll be back next Tuesday, just in time to get MORE produce! Yay! But check back because cooking is planned for this evening if I ever finish this long post.


Anonymous said...

M should be able to eat pretty well.

Heather said...

One would certainly hope. If he doesn't eat pretty well, then I fear for him. :)

TCC said...

Cooking dinner must take 3 hours if you're stopping to take pictures every other minute. :-P